Migration Narratives: The SHRAM Blog

India’s Internal Migrants: Citizens Without a Vote and a Voice

The issue of political inclusion of the vast mass of India’s internal migrants gained salience when a batch of petitions, filed by a few Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and social activists, came up for hearing before the Supreme Court of India in early 2014. In light of the efforts aimed at extending the franchise to NRIs, these petitioners made a strong case for extending similar benefits to the India’s floating population of internal migrants .

Educated Migrant?

The overarching discourse on internal migration has given us enough fodder to understand and analyze the perils of migrating internally, especially in a developing country like India. We (the intelligentsia) have come to understand the underlying factors that triggers  migration at source and the destination ecosystem which affects migrants. At the global scale, we stand witness to one of the largest humanitarian crisis led exodus-the migration of entire population from war torn Syria. Movement of people at such monumental level has not been recorded in recent history. It casts spotlight on the role of information networks for migration process to be successful and the migrant lands at the desired geographical destination.

Health Camp organised by PEPUS

A health camp was organized by PEPUS on 18th March 2016. The camp was organized at Upadhyay Ka Purwa, Kaudihar block, Allahabad District.The camp was conducted by the PEPUS team Shramik Sahayata Kendra Lalgopalganj.

PEPUS celebrates International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day was organised by PEPUS on 8th March, 2016 and programs were organised in the project area. International Women’s Day programmes were organized in Anapur village of Kaudihar block, Dist.- Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.

Migrant worker rescued from factory: A PARDA Initiative

A migrant labourer lost his left arm while working in a factory in Gujarat but his employer held him captive for over a year to cover up the incident.Lupeshwar Sabar, Tikelal Sahu and Babulal Sahu went to Hibond Cement factory Patidar village, Sapore P.S., Tehsil Gondal, Dist. Rajkot with Kisan Sahu who had earlier been to the factory for work earlier, in November 2012.

Workshops organised by Gram-Utthan

The collective meeting was organised on 18th February 2016 at Balakati Village. More than thirty collective members actively participated in the Meeting. The discussions mainly revolved around migrant workers and workers at the source level. The meeting stressed upon the issue of organising occupations based on collective effort.


Ray of Hope

I have recently joined the Agrasar team. To directly orient myself to the various initiatives driven by Agrasar, I decided to interact with a few students to understand about the education program, ‘Agrasar Bachpan’. While interacting, it was my conversation with Pooja that helped me get better insight into the inspiration behind Agrasar Bachpan.

Employment Consultation Camp for the Youth of Migrant Families

Employment Consultation Camp for the youth of migrant families was organized by PEPUS at village Jaraha of Kaudihar block, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh on 25th January 2016. The camp was well attended by the girls of the migrant community.Project Director, Mrs. Kamla addressed the participants and stressed upon the need of education for girls in general and vocational training in particular.

Aid for Cremation Secured Through SSK Initiative

Under the Migrant Worker Support Program, several village level awareness programmes are being conducted by SSK Muratganj at the behest of PEPUS. Through village level meetings migrant workers and their families are being provided information about several social security and welfare schemes. The awareness built is enabling them to benefit from different schemes.

March Towards Livelihood Development

Under the Migrant Worker Support Program, for migrant workers and their families work security, several village level awareness programmes are being conducted by SSK Lalgopalganj in 50 Panchayats of Kaudihar block covering 200 villages. As an effect of the efforts made till now, migrant community have started to express their belief that the awareness created in the migrant community is the result of PEPUS’ activities.