

Migration and Livelihoods in Historical Perspective: A Case Study of Bihar, India

Author : Arjan de Haan | 2002
Published By: The Journal of Development Studies

Whereas other contributions in this volume focus on contemporary migration, this article explores the role migration has played over a long period of time, in western Bihar, India. By doing so, it reinforces one of the central themes in this volume, regarding the importance of migration for livelihoods: this case study challenges the assumption that migration would be a recent phenomenon, and argues that to understand the history of this area one needs to take account of the complex interaction between migration and development. Migration has been a livelihood strategy for many groups within the area, and the study explores how migration has been caused by and in turn influences poverty and livelihoods for men and women, and how these relationships have changed over time. [The Joournal of Development Studies, Volume 38, Issue 5, 2002].

URL : http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00220380412331322531

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