

Distress Migration

European Migration Crisis: Failing Policies, Fatal Journeys

Author : Trocaire | 2015
Published By: Trocaire

The number of people reaching Greece by sea had reached 158,000 by mid-August, according to the UN, overtaking the 90,000 who arrived in Italy by sea. In the past two weeks alone, over 23,000 people have entered Serbia, taking the total so far this year to some 90,000. These statistics cannot fail to shock us – as behind each one is a real human being facing unprecedented risks and suffering.The International Office for Migration (IOM) report that last year, from late August through the end of December, over 1,200 migrants died at sea. It is possible that by winter, additional deaths at sea could well surpass 2,000.

URL : https://www.trocaire.org/sites/trocaire/files/resources/policy/migration-policy-briefing-2015.pdf

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