

Migration Patterns

Understanding Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration in Bangladesh

Author : Vigya Sharma | 2016
Published By: Princeton University

This paper brings together the important but sensitive issues of climate change and its impacts on population within the context of a developing country such as Bangladesh. It considers the nexus between people and their natural environment through the lens of current and future climatic changes. In doing so, the paper draws together arguments that highlight several direct and indirect impacts of deteriorating environmental conditions on daily subsistence and livelihood of diverse groups and communities. The paper focuses on migration as a phenomenon that binds together both population and environmental changes in a complex cause and effect relationship (see Figure 1 below). Migration not only contributes to varied changes in environmental resource availability but may also be argued as an important adaptive strategy for large sections of the society in coping with climate-induced environmental degradation.

URL : http://iussp2009.princeton.edu/papers/91869

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