

Migration Patterns

State, Society and the Nepali Migrant Worker in the Arab Gulf

Author : Ajapa Sharma | 2012
Published By: Mount Holyoke College

The ways in which different nation states, societies and individuals respond to and negotiate questions of sovereignty and citizenship in their engagement with neoliberal exchanges is varied and different. Aihwa Ong argues, “Global capitalism has induced critical changes in the forms that sovereignty can take.” Ong’s argument allows us to see the differential responses of nation-states to global neoliberalism’s effect on their sovereignty. While countries may respond to neo-liberalism’s attack on sovereignty by building borders and creating legal distinctions between citizens against non-citizens, it is not necessary that all nation states respond through such measures. Ong goes on to argue that “the relative positions of the nation states in the global ranking of rich and poor influence the ways globalizing forces penetrate and rework their national spaces and by extension reorganize regional political spaces.

URL : file:///C:/Users/Shunjan/Desktop/State_Society_and_the_Nepali_Migrant_Wor%20(1).pdf

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