

Health Problems among Migrant Construction Workers: A Unique Public–Private Partnership Project

Author : Balakrishna B Adsul, Prashant V Howal, Ramesh M. Chaturvedi, Payal S Laad | 2011
Published By: Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Setting a unique example of Public Private Partnership, the Department of Community Medicine collaborated with a construction company in Vidyavihar (West), Mumbai, employing a large number of migrant workers, to provide comprehensive health services during the working hours of the hospital. A medical team provided comprehensive on-site health care services, and a Health Card was devised to maintain the record of socio-demographic, occupational details, and complete physical examination findings of the workers who participated in the study.

URL : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3143513/

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