

Migration Patterns

A Study on the Problems of Migrant Labour in Punjab

Author : Government of Punjab | 2009
Published By: Government of Punjab

In the Indian context, out-migration is generally from remote backward rural areas of the country (majority from Bihar and UP as reflected in Census 2001), the in migration of referred sections of society is to all major industrial towns in economically better states. The labour recruiters, human trafficking network – all play quite significant role, in the migration of disadvantaged sections of society (poor, landless unskilled, SC/ST/OBC, women, adolescent groups etc). Towns and villages of Punjab are the destination of large-scale spatial mobility of unskilled populations from rural areas of backward states especially Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. These migrants reach Punjab from all over the country individually as well as in groups with or without the help of contractors/agents. According to newspaper (Tribune), the population of migrant labour in Punjab has reached 2.5 million with Ludhiana being its focal point. Punjab’s entire agriculture, paddy, plantation and allied fields such as poultry and dairy are almost fully dependant on migrant labour. The same is reflected in the case of small and medium scale industries. The steel, iron, sugar, wool, knitwear etc. are also heavily dependant on migrant labour.

URL : http://www.pbplanning.gov.in/HDR/studyOfMigrants_full.pdf

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