Migration Narratives: The SHRAM Blog

Policies for migrant workers

In India, many people migrate due to lack of opportunities in their native place. In recent years, a very high rate of internal migration has been witnessed in India. Employment, by far, remains the biggest cause of migration in the country. Maharashtra, Gujarat, the south Indian states and other states in northern parts of the country like Haryana, Punjab and Delhi have become attractive destinations for the migrant population. Rapid urbanisation and industrialisation of these areas have generated more employment opportunities and also created better infrastructure. People migrate to these regions perceiving them as greener pastures.

These migrant workers are vulnerable when they enter new places. They may have to work on low wages and may not have even the basic necessities. There is an urgent need to formulate a planned, long-term strategy to counter the problem. There are many measures taken by the government for the migrants, but these are not reaching the poor migrant workers.

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